Thursday, September 18, 2008

Week of Sept 30

What have you been reading? Click on "comment" to get started!

Be sure to start with:

First name/last initial
Book you are reading

Please write at least one sentence for each of these questions:

1. What is the problem that the main character must solve (if fiction)? For nonfiction, what did you learn?

2. Have you ever had a problem like the one your main character has? What happened? What did you do?

3. If you were to write a book, what would it be about?


Anonymous said...

Josue v.

the book i am reading is called "Rangers Aprentice. I ma half way there of finish reading the book. Will reminds me of my self because he likes adventures and i do two. The characters in the book help each other and they lookup for each other.

Anonymous said...

Richard M.
the book i am reading is called "Pierced". im almost done with it. i dont like the characters in the book because i dont like reading that much.